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Welcome to our Community
June 20, 2023
A Toast to Summer
Members of our community enjoyed light refreshments, contemporary jazz, and meeting friends old and new on the eve before summer at our community triangle on Mount Avenue. It's been a great year for our association. Wishing you and your families a safe, healthy, and fun Summer!

May 16, 2023
Community members had an opportunity to address their NB Library Director Marc Horowitz and hear exciting news about the capital improvement projects underway at our local library. SCPD Cope Officer Scheida provided the monthly crime report from the Suffolk County Police Department. Town of Babylon Investigators Richard Thompson and Stephan Maucere were present to discuss a range of quality-of-life issues being addressed in our area. Thank you all for attending. See you at our June Meeting.

April 18, 2023
Members of the community had an opportunity to address their School Superintendent, Legislator, SCPD, TOB Investigators, and the Attorney for "New Developer's LLC" regarding a multi-million dollar real estate project in our neighborhood.
Our Chamber of Commerce President joined us to share information regarding the "Go Fly a Kite" festival at Cedar Beach. We were also joined by Dr. Krystle Hernandez-Barnett candidate for the NB Board of Education, and Kevin Key Chairman of the NB4LIFE committee to discuss NB4LIFE weekend activities for Friday 28 July - Sunday 30 July.
“As a member of this community you don’t have to go to government alone as the voice of one, you come to the Belmont Lake Civic Association and go to government as the voice of 1,200 homeowners, and 5,000 voters.” - Mr. Elliot Anderson
Together we will take this community to the next level.

March 21, 2023
Successful Community Roundtable Civic Meeting
Members of the community had an opportunity to address the board with their concerns, share new ideas, and discuss the goals and direction of our community.
Some action items we are working on as a result of community feedback
Refreshing Block Captain Program
Additional Streetlights
Neighborhood Day Belmont Park BBQ
Community Fall Festival
New Homeowner & Member Welcome Package
Beautifying The Corner of Governor Ave. & Essex St.
Beautifying the Arizona Triangle
Curb Your Dog Signs
If you were unable to join us on zoom or in person and would like to be heard there are many ways to contact us below.
Civic Hotline: 631-572-8838

Welcome to our Community
Established in 1959 The Belmont Lake Civic Association Inc. is the oldest continuing historically African American civic association in New York State. Today we are a diverse civic representing 1,200 homeowners and 5,000 voters in Suffolk County, New York.
We believe a clean and beautiful neighborhood is a monitored neighborhood and a monitored neighborhood is a safe neighborhood.
Together we established a community of excellence in unity, education, safety, and beauty. Together we will take our community to the next level.
2023 Summer Concerts
July 6, 2023 @ 7:30 P.M.
feat. Pat Johnson's Soul Alive Band
July 28, 2023 @ 6:30 P.M.
feat. Kymistry 101
October 9, 2023 @ 12:00 P.M.
Community Fall Festival
550 Mount Avenue
West Babylon, NY 11704
6/2/23 Press Release: County Executive Bellone announced Friday, June 2nd, 2023 an investment of $30 million to expand the Carlls River Watershed sewer project to include more homes in our Belmont Lake Estates community. Thank you to our members, community partners, and elected officials for decades of advocacy that made today possible. The work continues to sewer every home in our community.

P.O. BOX 2033
North Babylon, NY 11703
24/7 365 Civic Hotline: 631.572.8838

February 21, 2023
Dear Neighbor,
We had a great civic meeting Tuesday night. The guest speakers were Alonzo Cook Sr. - Suffolk County Department of Labor, and Kelly McNulty - Town of Babylon Youth Institute. Our speakers were very informative and our members asked important questions.
Thank you, Tory Hare, Liz Webb, Celeste Redmond-Smith, Vanda Bordies, Leevant Coltrain, and Will Grant for representing the executive board at this month's meeting.
See you in March at Belmont Lake/Brennan Jr. High School for a community roundtable discussion. Stay tuned for more information.
Very Respectfully,
The Executive Board
Belmont Lake Civic Association, Inc.

January 17, 2023
Dear Neighbor,
Tuesday night’s coalition meeting was successful. Over 100 community members were present to address their Town Supervisor, District Attorney, and Police Commissioner with their concerns.
We discussed hiring practices and improvements, new safety technology, the monthly police report, and quality-of-life issues that are being addressed throughout our town and county.
We honored John Adrian "Jack" Twyman posthumously for his steadfast commitment to enhancing the lives of his neighbors and his students as a former executive board member, teacher, and coach.
We will miss you JT.
With a jam-packed agenda, this meeting lasted roughly an hour and a half. We encourage residents to get involved. Become a member of the civic today.
We are committed to keeping residents safe, preserving property values, and keeping our community clean and beautiful for generations to come.
Very Respectfully,
Travis Steward
Belmont Lake Civic Association, Inc.
October 18, 2022
Meet The Candidates
Your Voice | Your Vote | Be Heard
We hosted candidates running for the United States Congress, the Governor of New York, the New York State Assembly, and the New York State Senate right here in Belmont Lake Estates.

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